Multi-Williams Upright Harness
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Complete Multi-Williams upright multigame wiring harness. This harness is a plug and play solution for wiring an upright cabinet to run a new JAMMA multigame pcb with support for two joysticks and 6 buttons.
This harness includes:
- 56 pin JAMMA edge connector with key
- 9 pin power supply connectors. Plug and play with our 20 amp power supply
- 3 pin 120 volt A.C. power out connector for the marquee light
- 6 pin connector for RGB video out
- Control panel harness with connectors for joysticks and buttons
- Connections for coin door, lights and coin meter
- Bracket with test switch and service credit button
- Includes control panel harness
- Labled connectors
- Zip ties with screw eyelets for easy installation
Compatible with the JROK wSysFPGA Williams PCB and the ArcadeSD PCB.
Note: If using this harness with the JROK pcb, you must go into settings and change the button map scheme to "MULTI-WMS".